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And they call it Puppy Love [...]

Yorkie Terrier/ Baby

       Meet My puppy, "TAGGART". TAG for short...or TAGGY...He is so good, and  soo playful, and of course cuddly ALL the time. He likes to RUN around the yard, and he's eating ORGANICALLY . He uses his puppy pad. House training can be frustrating at times for me. He likes long naps, tight squeezes, and bath time. OH... and my purse too. He's 3.25 pounds, Born  January 1/1/11. He's perfect in every way! I'm sure my visitors will be seeing much more of him. Tune in for specials. Or just stop on by when you need cheering up and he will put a smile on your face... TAGGART  hasn't barked yet, but I am SURE he is building up to it. Pure LOVE here.
    Mommy love him !!!

Organic Farm/So. Coast Farms




And this is whatcha get...of course the veggies went on top of the beans I made the night before, and

there was some salsa on top of the beans too [ I left that out ]


   sauteed in Raw organic cocoanut oil { centrifuge Extracted } topped with
Adzuki Chip Crumbs
A must have for the

 Vegetarian Kitchen
Combo Blender / Juicer


But.......... the cord was  sooooooooo long, I got a bright idea to make a cord holder for it
     That actually came to me while in the ladies room,  changing the [TP] roll.

    just go with the flow


Assemble these items minus the ribbon {woopsie}
To make one for your kitchen counter:

1. Cut off the flap of a black 5x7 envelope
 [thats all I had guys]

2. Cut around the inside of the enclosure following the edges until all sides are free
[three sides]

3. Lay the roll on top of the paper, evenly placed in the middle. Tape one side to the roll,

seal the ends in the middle of {TP} roll

4.Tuck in the edges

You are halfway there

Grosgrain ribbon was cut to fit, tie a square knot

How simple and cute it is, matching the cord and my counter.

You can use any paper, add lace, burlap on yours, even use up some stickers..or sticky paper

{I just like my things plain and simple}.

And [ VOILA ] the finished product!

Now I have a nice clean looking counter space..I'm happy that everything came out ok..


New Blog I am Following

This is the cutest / newest blog I am following... http://susansdisneyfamily.blogspot.com/search/label/Giveaway
She's running a contest for Raw, Organic, Kosher, Pure, Natural, flavored butters..

I would love to win some Cocoanut Butter, and a few of the others such as tahini, or Almond Butter.

 After the detox I followed for 10 days, I am serious about only putting organic, pure, non-processed foods in my body...This seems like such a good way to start...

My daughter has been chemical free for going on a year now, what a difference it has made for her overall health...Basically what I am saying is if she can do it, then I can do it !!!

Winning this giveaway of Artisana asst. butters would be so awesome!

Visit their website and see the other delicious flavors they have available...http://www.premierorganics.org/index.php!

Recipe from Artisana
Nut Butter Patties

1 medium onion, minced
1 cup mashed hard tofu
2 T nut butter (1 T Organic Raw Almond & 1 T sesame or your choice)
1/4 cup oat bran
1/4 cup whole wheat flour
2 T parsley
1 tsp. dried basil
1/2 tsp. garlic pepper
1/2 tsp. thyme
1 T cornstarch
1 T soy sauce
2 tsp. olive oil

Saute onion in 1 teaspoon olive oil until it begins to soften. Squeeze tofu dry in paper towels, then mash. Add onion. Add nut butters of your choice. Add remaining ingredients except olive oil. Form into patties (4 or 5) or small balls for pasta sauce. Rub small amount of olive oil on patties before placing in lightly oiled pan. Bake 375 degrees about 25 minutes or until brown and slightly crispy.


Recycling Reusing {some} of my favorite bottles

that have been hiding under the sink.

Maybe it's the words Parisienne on the side that intrigues me...

Or the sexy shape of the bottle being 

the reason I hung on to them....

I Turned them into Sun Tea jars....

Yerba Mate Organic Tea

Journey to a Natural Underground Spring

    When I first set out to find a natural spring supply of water, I hadn't expected to come across this place. 
Nestled into a cute little beach village is a beautiful place set back from the street in the town of Carlsbad, CA. Carlsbad Water was on the list of Natural Springs, in California.
    Special thanks go to Christian Bates, creator of a wonderful website with a bunch of natural health information that really inspired me to do some searching around for the most natural pure water, and organic foods. You can visit his website at...   http://ChristianBates.com "superfood education". 
    I understand that geological surveys have shown this to be from an underground aquifer, some 9500 years old originating at the source of Palomar Mountain. 

 Off we go to Carlsbad....come along and enjoy the ride....

            Here it is...isn't she grand? So stately sitting there on her own...ready to be enjoyed!!!!

What I encountered was an easy to find, charming place, with an extremely friendly owner, and water priced so reasonably no one could resist.

  My hubby was willing to take me on this journey, shlep a heavy 3 gallon glass jug for some water, his willingness made me feel pretty special.

Our trip was followed up by the most unexpected organic food establishment... WOW! I can't put into words just how awesome an experience this was, for I am a newbie to Organic cooking, as well as Vegan and Vegetarian, but now I am totally en-tranced with the idea of becoming a no meat eater...Well... anyhow, back to the Spa....

The owner, Ludvik Gregorius was so welcoming, he came out to greet us as well as accommodate us with water bottles and show us around the place. We were so taken by him, how warm and friendly and charming he was.

 Grigorus came here from the Czech Republic some 50 years ago, while he has been the proprietor of the Carlsbad Mineral Springs and Spa since 1992. At the present he is involved in a major remodel, but you could have fooled even me.
The place was delightfully clean and quiet. Gregorus' wife shares the duties with him, along with the message of good health, as well as making visitors feel welcomed. His passion for good safe, healthy drinking water is contagious to say the least.

You see this huge statue? It is a replica of John Frazier, one of the men who had dug this well on land which was once mostly farmland. Gregorus had it crafted by a friend of his in England, where he labored diligently, and parted with it to grace the grounds of this wonderful little village. It stands proud and tall, welcoming all who come to share in the wealth of the liquid gold that flows so freely underground.

This is the Dispenser where the bottles are filled, coins are deposited and the water flows. 
There is also a rinse for the bottle if you so chose. See those huge gates over there next to the building?  A little mouse told me they were actually from the famous Hearst Castle, redesigned before being placed at the entrance to the spa. Nothing has been left out to create a beautiful destination including a touch of local history.
The interesting story regarding the springs is available on  the website, http://www.Carlsbadmineralspa.com
      The spa features many nice services including but definitely not limited to relaxing massages, body wraps, and smoothing scrubs.
Have a bath in the healing natural mineral springs, after a relaxing treatment, and  you will be sure to find nervana .....a promise of all who enter.
The water at the springs was much like the water in Karlsbad, Bohemia. So clean and pure, with no after taste. Just pure natural beautiful spring water.

Oh how I would love to go back and stay for the day, be pampered...Okay maybe next time...
                  There will be a next time!! Thank You, Ludvik, the pleasure was all ours!
    Sooooo....After writing this a few days ago, I had to add something funny to it....The water is gone after two days. I have used it to cook with, make coffee, and drink like its the last glass of water on earth.
So, now I have to head back to that land of paradise....and visit the friendliest Ludvik, for more. I called there last night to be sure he would be in, telling him my story about how I woke up in the middle of the night just to have a glass of water. He really liked that, and laughed in that contagious laugh of his,  making me laugh. 
Like why would I get up just for water? I might get up for some chocolate, but never water... Guess I'm hooked....what could be worse, hooked on water? Off I go today for more water....

New way of eating

My posts for the past week have been mostly about a Detox I am following that my endocrinologist prescribed for boosting my metabolism. I am already showing signs of improvement.

The pups are here



As Becca and Robert, my beautiful daughter and awesome son in law, celebrate their first anniversary together, ( no way it's been a year),we are going to keep the pups overnight.

Bentley is so camera ready at any moment. Bella is a busy pup, but always ready to cuddle. 

Day 5 Detox

Shake for breakfast, with apple, raw cocoa powder, almond milk. Yummy! Today is pear and apple day.

No one in town can freshly squeeze apples or pears. I called everywhere and even visited two juice bars.

Big time bummer in my mind...So I had some brown rice- crispies with almond milk. A few hours later I

had cocoanut oil stir fried with broccoli, red onions, fresh garlic in my electric wok....organic pure real is so much better and better for you too.
Sprinkled a little Tamari sauce and wow!!! This is an awesome recipe for a detox...in a day or so I will be reentering things back in to my diet. So far i do have a lot more energy, and this is supposed to help with the hot flashes also. We shall see.

Calling all Locavore's- Markets in your Area