
Wow this is amazing...two weeks and he wants to come home for Labor Day and bring a friend..bring it on! But I'm not doing laundry all weekend..:-) thats your new job!


Shoes: The Invisible Skater
Invisible Skater section from Chyea skate video. Green screen test filmed with Panasonic hvx200. Skaters include Andy Glagola, Joe Moos, Andrew Plante, Karl Smudski, Anthony Amedori and Danny Garcia. Copyright 2008.

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Bon Jovi - What Do You Got? † Bon Jovi Audio

She flies

Good things come in small packages....

Babies are small (little)...they are good

Diamonds are small (little) they are good

Hearts are small (little) they are good

Kindnesses are small(little) they are good

Little angels have big intentions with little left to ask...
think about it! And then smile <3

From the Gastronomic Gardner

The Gastronomic Gardener
I believe gardening and cooking go hand in hand. I encourage people to plant some plants - vegetable or blooming, get outside and get fresh air, sweat and exercise. Good food is one of the bases of health and happiness. Good food need not be complicated or difficult. It should be top quality, local when possible, and made where you know what went into it. -David P Offut


There is some of this for us moms who can't help but worry a little about the boys we have watched playing the dirt...riding bikes all summer's day...surfing and swimming and tossing that basketball back and forth for hours at a time. One has to wonder if the playing has ended for a time...the need to skate hasn't...but one mom can only hope he has gotten a little played out and wants to grow up now. The play changes and so it should...as well as the hopes that we mommas have that they will never lose their dreams and sense of wonder in the play they will take on as life brings to them responsibilities woven with playfulness. We have given them all they need to have hope of their own. Take big steps my little man, and find some of your own hopes for your future. It is yours, not mine...dream on my little hockey player, and keep on sweating it out...you always did when you played hard. And breathe...breathe deep while you dream!!! Good luck with all of your new play mates in the big bowl of life...Skate on!!!!

Organic Grapes

Yes these are them...with anticipation and much patience we have our sweet thompson seedless organics...woo!!

A blog that I like

check this out...something fun! Another Blog I will start to follow...http://anothergirlatplay.com/

The First Phone Call

Saturday, One week Later....
I missed the call...returned it later at midnight, of course he will be up at midnight on a Saturday night, who would I be kidding? So he answered, he was so happy to hear my voice he told me he missed me...didn't need anything, has homework, and might make it to the skatepark for the second day of festivities with Volcom..He skated the first day in the competition not thinking he posted, but had a great time anyway. I felt special that he even answered, he was at a party he says, I could hear people in the background talking, and I was happy he wasnt alone, but then I never worried he would be. This is my social creature! My boy! I really miss him!

Cotton Balls in Mammoth

College Bound

Onward and upward....
It is that time when little boys have to grow up and leave home. Go ahead leave me here, to clean up your mess left behind...Wait a minute thats not what I meant...I meant that I had to clean your room up and dust, wash the things you didn't get to while you were going to school and going out with the girls and getting dinner with your homies, and going to concerts, oh yeah and work. Then there was the job that took you away from organizing a closet, throwing out the old clothes and shoes that don't fit anymore. The school sweatshirts, vests, button downs...The books that never got read, much less ever cracked. They are all there for you to peruse at your leisure on Thanksgiving holiday. Or Christmas or summer next, when you go back to working at the skatepark again. The best job a teenager like you could have. It was easy, admit it. You didn't get up early, or have to sweep anything. You sat around in the office,,,and got chicken pox the summer before you went away to college. Hey, at least you finally got them, while your sister has not..might be the first thing you have outdone her at when it comes to that sort of thing. She has never skate boarded in her life though. Perhaps you might teach her some day...Goodness knows we have all seen you compete and have enjoyed those times...I look forward to seeing you do more of that, it brought you such joy.
As I hung up all those clothes you have thrown upon the closet shelf, I found pleasure in looking at the sizes of your hockey jerseys change and grow...the T-ball jersey that merged with soccer and then became basketball only to find hockey and skating...I will not forget the snacks or the water bottles i filled...team mom's or awful coaches who didn't deserve their end of the season gifts...to the coach who asked to take you home with him, he admired your verve for the game. So much so that you were requested to be on his team the following year...Or the hockey coach who wanted to have you on his club team when he opened a new rink merely an hours drive out of town..just a great excuse to be with you and get to know my wonderful son that much better. Another day to see your cute cheeks, and dimples that made my heart melt when you smiled at me with those big puppy dog blue eyes. How I loved being amused by you and your sense of humor...The way you could make me laugh instantaneously will always be a treasured gift, keeping close to me those thoughts of your impressions you did of Austin Powers. Or the escalator behind the kitchen counter, I do remember these wonderful moments Kevin. Now I see the wonderful young man you are and the care for human kind you have developed in your character. From the group you were chosen to assist in Jr. high because you had compassion enough, how proud I was of you the day the counselor called me to tell me you were joining in that courageous undertaking! What a heart! You aren't a selfish person, you always remembered to be hospitable to the guests in your home, offering a drink of water to Cecilia when she was here! Those things make me smile..they are your heart, your care, your kindnesses. They warm a mother's heart.Now back to reality boy...get the school work done on time, the homework finished, the dorm room cleaned up..laundry. Oh and I am sure you will remember to call me once in a while and make me laugh! Enjoy the sunrise and the sunsets...those views and snow capped mountains of Mammoth. I love you with all your faults and all of the mistakes that are turning you into a gentle caring solid young adult! Carry on!

Calling all Locavore's- Markets in your Area