My Nephew Tim

Gotta love this guy! Not only is he adorable, funny, kind and big hearted, but he's given himself to the Military !He's a fighter alrighter! He can leap tall buildings...Some of us know what I'm referring to, other's may wonder. His spirit amazes me...the way he jumps in with both feet, barely thinking twice...Perhaps he's alway's been a Marine at heart. Tim, here's to you, I am so proud of you and what you stand for, I support you...Love You, and Appreciate your willingness to serve our country! This excludes any of my convictions about the government, because THIS is about You and your big HEART!!! It's showing little nephew. Okay, wait...maybe I have a soft place in my heart for him since my mom and dad met at El Toro Marine base.
Can't wait to see you next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX

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